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Posts tagged mexico

Alhóndiga de Granaditas

Plaza de la Alhondiga de Granaditas guanajuato mexico

Plaza de la Alhondiga (Guanajuato, Mexico)

Read about the fascinating history of this World Heritage site here.

Guanajuato street art

guanajuato mural street art mexico

August 2014 (Guanajuato, Mexico)

Today’s photo showed up as my random, desktop image of the day. Guanajuato is known for Diego Rivera so I was hoping that the artist had gone on to similar greatness in the subsequent decade plus. I typed in the artist’s Flickr URL only to see that he abandoned Flickr before I took this photo. You can find him still active on Facebook though.

Feliz Navida

sayulita mexico feliz navida

Sayulita, Mexico (December 2015)

Mexican Sunset

sayulita cowboys beach mexico sunset

Sayulita Cowboys (December 2015)

El Mesón de los Poetas view of Guanajuato

el meson de los poetas guanajuato-standard

El Mesón de los Poetas rooftop (Guanajuato, Mexico – August 2014)

Templo de San Cayetano Confesor

Templo de San Cayetano Confesor guanajuato mexico

La Valenciana Church (Guanajuato, Mexico)

Today’s photo comes from my attempt to go by bus to a highly-rated restaurant in Guanajuato. I couldn’t figure the buses out so I ended up taking a taxi. Therefore, I got to the restaurant before they opened and probably an hour or so before my reservation. I decided to take a walk to kill time, and I headed in the direction of this church on the top of the hill. A little over halfway there I got a little freaked out as the road had turned into a path, and the path started getting pretty sketchy. I felt like I was about to stumble upon El Chapo’s hideout so I turned around and headed back to the restaurant.

If I’m ever in Guanajuato again, I plan to make it to this 18th-century church as it’s supposed to be very opulent, including lots of stuff covered in gold leaf.