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Posts tagged museums

Happy Sunday

Church of bullets in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

@SFMOMA #AlFarrow @marilynmanson

“I got a crush on a pretty pistol
Should I tell her that I feel this way?
Father told us to be faithful

I got a crush on a pretty pistol
Should I tell her that I feel this way?
I’ve got love songs in my head
That are killing us away

Do you love your guns? Yeah
god? Yeah
The government?
Fuck yeah”

Happy birthday, Claude Monet!

Bathers at La Grenouillère Claude Monet london the national gallery

Bathers at La Grenouillère by Claude Monet in The National Gallery (London, England)

@NationalGallery @Monet #claudemonet

Born on this day, 180 years ago…

From The National Gallery:

“During the summer of 1869, Monet and Renoir painted together at La Grenouillère, a slightly raffish resort on the river Seine some 12 kilometres west of Paris. It had become a popular weekend retreat from the city during the 1860s.

Monet made several oil sketches at the resort, including this picture, in preparation for a large painting of the site that he planned to exhibit at the Salon of 1870. Painted quickly and technically quite crude, these studies have a directness and immediacy that could not be achieved in the studio. Monet was painting what he saw, without any attempt to tidy up the scene. Rather than a documentary record of La Grenouillère, he presents a summary of his own experience of fleeting visual effects or impressions that changed moment to moment. As pictures in their own right, these sketches were an important step towards Impressionism.”

Courtyard inside the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

JSMA Courtyard



Daisies near a 300+ year old farmhouse in the Norsk Folkemuseum (Oslo, Norway)


The Water Mother by Kai Nielsen

The Water Mother

You can find this work of art in Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen. Nielsen is most famous for The Little Mermaid.

Estonian Open Air Museum

Estonian Open Air Museum


A year ago I rode a bike around this place (Eesti Vabaõhumuuseum) and had an enjoyable time doing so. I really love open-air museums of this type. Are there any in the USA? I don’t know. I’ve been to them in Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and now Estonia. Highly recommended. Make sure to rent the bike. I saw everything. Had I walked I don’t think I would have seen more than 1/4 of the place.