Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged blue hour

Post-storm sunset with giant blue finger pointing at sun

Post-storm sunset with giant blue finger pointing at sun

As promised.

SOU blue hour

Southern Oregon University

@SOUAshland @SOUadmissions @SOUGrounds

Ashland in December

ashland springs hotel holiday lights

Ashland Springs Hotel

@NHGoregon #AshlandOregon #Oregon #Ashland #christmas @CATMovies #bluehour

Holiday Lights on the Ashland Plaza

Ashland, Oregon (December 2019)

There is no Festival of Light parade in 2020, but the downtown area of Ashland is all lit up (or so I hear). I wouldn’t know from first-hand observation as I haven’t made it farther than my mailbox the past few weeks.

City sidewalks, busy sidewalks, dressed in holiday style

As the shoppers rush home with their treasures

@NHGoregon #AshlandOregon #Oregon #Ashland #christmas @CATMovies #bluehour

More lights on campus

sou plunkett center holiday lights blue hour

SOU’s Plunkett Center

@SOUAshland @SOUadmissions @SOUGrounds

New lights on campus

sou arch holiday lights blue hour

Southern Oregon University

@SOUAshland @SOUadmissions @SOUGrounds

‘Tis the season

Plunkett Center

@SOUAshland @SOUadmissions @SOUGrounds #withmytamron

Time warp Tuesday

AIFF banner on East Main Street (Ashland, Oregon)

@ashlandfilm #AIFF

Five more months and the Ashland Film Festival 2019 edition will happen. Today’s photo is from 2015.

Happy winter solstice

Festival of Light

@AshORChamber @NHGoregon

Things will only get brighter from here…