Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged hobart bluff

Mt. Ashland from Hobart Bluff

mt ashland from hobart bluff

Mt. Ashland (January 1, 2024)

Mount McLoughlin from Hobart Bluff

Mount McLoughlin from Hobart Bluff

Mount McLoughlin (January 1, 2024)

Mount McLoughlin usually has much more snow on it in early January, but less than a week ago it looked like this. Alas, yesterday’s snow storm likely gave it a thick winter blanket.

Pilot Rock on New Year’s Day

pilot rock from hobart bluff sunset

View from Hobart Bluff (January 1, 2024)

Five years ago…

hobart bluff trail may snow-DeNoiseAI-clear

Hobart Bluff Trail (May 2018)

Throwback Thursday

Hobart Bluff

Soda Mountain Road

soda mountain road to hobart bluff trail snow winter

Soda Mountain Road to Hobart Bluff Trailhead in the snow (December 2020)

A few months ago we headed out to do the Hobart Bluff Trail. Alas, we never made it.

One year ago today…

Hobart Bluff covered in May snow

Hobart Bluff view

Hobart Bluff

Ashland to cool off

Hobart Bluff

Well, not this much, but today is supposed to be the last day to hit 80 degrees for at least the next 10 days. Maybe we won’t see 80 again this year?

In other news, there is a chance of snow at SOU’s football game this Saturday in Dillon, Montana.

Today’s photo comes from May of this year. Snow in May? Not in the valley but Hobart frequently gets snow in April and sometimes in May.

Throwback Thursday

Hobart Bluff

With temperatures expected to reach the 90s by the end of the weekend, it’s a little hard to believe that today’s photo is from less than two weeks ago. Such is springtime in Ashland.