Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged rainbow

Christmas Rainbow

december rainbow ashland fader

December 25, 2020

The white house where the rainbow ends dates from the 19th Century. The current owner’s mother, Clara Fader, died recently at the age of 107 after living in that house for 80 years!

Shop’n Kart Rainbow

ashland oregon rainbow

Rainbow from the Shop’n Kart parking lot (December 27, 2023)

Pot of gold @ end of train tracks

ashland oregon rainbow

Rainbow from Ashland’s Railroad District (October 10, 2023)

Cloud iridescence

eclipse rainbow

10/14/23 eclipse “rainbow”

Throwback Thursday

Ashland oregon Rainbow Sunset

6/6/23 Ashland Rainbow Sunset

Today’s photo comes from a little over two weeks ago, when Ashland had perhaps the most spectacular sunset I’ve ever encountered. Not only was the sunset incredible in its own right, but a (sometimes double) rainbow appeared to go along with thunder and lighting. In fact, a few seconds after I took this photo, lightning shot straight through the rainbow.

Ashland rainbow

Ashland rainbow

Softball under the rainbow


Last night there was a rather spectacular storm in Southern Oregon. I didn’t have my camera with me so I had to settle for this short video with my phone. We had our first softball practice of the year. With the rainbow and lightning striking all over the place, it was awesome.

Beatty rainbow

rainbow beatty oregon

Two years ago, this happened.

SOU rainbow

sou campus rainbow

Rainbow from Southern Oregon University campus


Today is another great day to be a Raider.

RAW vs jpg (#6 or 7 or something)

jpg image, straight out of the camera

jpg image, straight out of the camera

I have mentioned several times before that there are situations where images shot as jpgs are “throw aways” that had they been shot in RAW format could be salvaged.

Today’s comparison is one such example. With a rainbow outside a dimly-lit gym, I had the choice of shooting the rainbow and getting a nearly black gym (above) or shooting the action on the court and getting a white sky (not shown). By shooting in RAW I was able to process the above image to come up with what you see below.

ahs volleyball rainbow

Ashland High School volleyball – rainbow out gym window in front of Grizzly Peak

By the way, Ashland won last night, advanced to the Sweet 16 in state, and will be playing in St. Helens on Saturday. The winner moves on to the Elite 8 round.