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Posts tagged blackwater holylight

Metal Monday

blackwater holylight wow hall-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Blackwater Holylight @ WOW Hall (December 2019)

@EasyRiderRecord #blackwaterholylight @WOWHall

Favorite albums of 2021

@EasyRiderRecord #blackwaterholylight @CarcassBand @COPENHELL #copenhell #carcass @ExodusAttack

In no particular order:

Converge and Chelsea Wolfe – Bloodmoon: I

Wolves In The Throne Room – Primordial Arcana

Exodus – Persona Non Grata

exodus copenhell Steve Zetro Souza topaz denoise ai-low-light

Steve “Zetro” Souza of Exodus @ 2018 Copenhell

Carcass – Torn Arteries

Cradle Of Filth – Existence Is Futile

Dordeduh – Har

Mastodon – Hushed and Grim

1914 – Where Fear And Weapons Meet

Crocell – Baptized in Bullets / Funeral Bliss

Vreid – Wild North West

Zmarłym – Druga Fala

Tribulation – Where the Gloom Becomes Sound

Tribulation @ 2016 Copenhell

Bohemyst – Čerň a smrt

Blackwater Holylight – Silence/Motion

Funeral Mist – Deiform

And a couple from 2020 that I wasn’t familiar enough with to make the 2020 list…

Shaam Larein – Sculpture

Sunken – Livslede

sunken metal magic festival Simon Skotte Krogh topaz denoise ai-low-light

Sunken’s Simon Skotte Krogh @ 2019 Metal Magic Festival

Metal Monday

Blackwater Holylight

@EasyRiderRecord #blackwaterholylight @WOWHall

Not familiar with Blackwater Holylight? Veils of Winter was one of the best albums of 2019–catchy, yet complex enough to get better with each listening.

Blackwater Holylight @ WOW Hall


@EasyRiderRecord #blackwaterholylight @WOWHall

Blackwater Holylight and Earthless opened for Yob at the WOW Hall a couple nights ago. I went, of course, to see Yob, but the opening acts were outstanding. In fact, if I were to have created this list today, instead of a week ago, Veils of Winter would be on it.