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Posts tagged joshua tree

Pencil Cholla

Pencil Cholla joshua tree cactus

Joshua Tree (December 2019)

Winter Wonderland

joshua tree snow

Joshua Tree, California (December 2019)

Winter begins tomorrow.

Joshua Tree National Park landscape

joshua tree ryan mountain trailhead

Near Ryan Mountain Trailhead

Joshua Tree coyote

 joshua tree coyote-DeNoiseAI-low-light

California coyote (December 2019)

Not my best photo, as I took it from inside our VRBO in Joshua Tree. By the time I got outside, this coyote had taken flight.

Joshua Tree Frame

joshua tree-clear

Joshua Tree National Park

Split Rock

joshua tree national park ryan split rock trail-DeNoiseAI-clear

Split Rock Trail in Joshua Tree National Park

If you want to get an idea of the size of this incredible rock, look for the 6’4″ individual in the bottom right portion of this photograph.