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Posts tagged king diamond

Every night, to me, is Halloween…

mercyful fate

Mercyful Fate (October 30, 2022)

@kingdiamond @MercyfulFate_HQ @HRHCSacramento

“Every night will be another evil scene
Like in horror dreams
I want
I command you to scream

Halloween, you are my pride
Halloween, not just a dream”

40 years ago yesterday, a magical album was released that forever changed my brain.

The above song wasn’t on that album. King Diamond’s “Halloween” was another two and half years down the road, but it fits better with today’s theme.

Metal Monday

Mercyful Fate

@kingdiamond @MercyfulFate_HQ @HRHCSacramento

Happy face

king diamond copenhell watching black sabbath-DeNoiseAI-low-light Livia Zita Kim Bendix Petersen

King Diamond watching Black Sabbath’s final performance in Copenhagen (June 2016)

@COPENHELL #copenhell #copenhell2016 @BlackSabbath #BlackSabbath @kingdiamond @MercyfulFate_HQ

I’m still smiling from the King’s performance in Mercyful Fate on the 39th anniversary of the release of Melissa this past Sunday night.

Tonight’s the night

I was supposed to see Mercyful Fate a couple of times (at least) last summer. As my summer trip to Europe didn’t work out, tonight will be the first time I’ve seen Mercyful Fate live (although I saw King Diamond in 1987 and 2016). Tonight’s setlist will be much better, IMO, than either of those two shows as most of the songs will be from Melissa and Don’t Break The Oath.

Mercyful Fate @ Copenhell 2021

@COPENHELL #copenhell @RealKingDiamond #KingDiamond #MercyfulFate

Details here.

Today was supposed to be the day…

king diamond copenhell topaz denoise ai-denoise

King Diamond @ 2016 Copenhell

@COPENHELL #copenhell @RealKingDiamond #KingDiamond #MercyfulFate

…that I saw Mercyful Fate for the first time. I’ve seen King Diamond a few times (first time was 1987), but none of his albums are as good as “Melissa” and “Don’t Break The Oath” in my opinion. Hopefully next year.