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Posts tagged los lobos bar

Mexican Medusa

los lobos bar guanajuato

Los Lobos bar (Guanajuato, Mexico – October 2019)

I probably took today’s photo because earlier in the same year Kampfar put out an outstanding album (Ofidians Manifest) with the inspiration for the medusa painting as the cover.

Ofidians Manifest

Erik de la Vega

hot demon fear guanajuato erik de la vega los lobos

Hot Demon Fear @ Los Lobos (Guanajuato, Mexico)


My random, desktop image of the day is this one from a little over a year ago.

Hot Demon Fear @ Los Lobos (Guanajuato, Mexico)

148_2584 RAW Guanajuato hot demon fear los lobos

Hot Demon Fear was better than my expectations. They played a few of their own songs, but mostly Hot Demon Fear covered tunes based on audience requests. I don’t remember them all now, but they included several Led Zeppelin songs, a couple from Megadeth, Black Sabbath’s “Into the Void”, Iron Maiden’s “The Trooper”, and others.

Great band, really solid in every aspect. The crowd went nuts and packed the place. I had to leave (just before 1 a.m.) before they finished as I needed to use the bathroom really badly, but the line was so long I figured it would be quicker if I just walked back to my hotel to use the facilities there.

You can listen to Hot Demon Fear’s original music here.

 Guanajuato hot demon fear los lobos

Erik de la Vega of Guanajuato’s “Hot Demon Fear” @ Los Lobos

Los Lobos Rock Bar in Guanajuato

los lobos bar flyer hot demon fear guanajuato mexico

Hot Demon Fear (Guanajuato, Mexico) at Los Lobos

@hotdemonfear I discovered Los Lobos about ten years ago on an earlier trip to Guanajuato. I spent an evening looking for it again earlier this week, but I couldn’t remember where it was located and my walk of the streets turned up nothing. I couldn’t even remember the name of the place. The next day on a different walk I saw the subject of today’s photo plastered right on the Los Lobos door and the name Los Lobos immediately registered as “that place from before I was looking for”. So tonight I will get to experience my first concert of this type in Mexico.

Unlike some of the rock bars in Japan, the music playing in the background is rather tame. The atmosphere is pretty cool though. I’ll post some photos of the inside soon. When I’ve been in Los Lobos the music has been mostly 1970s rock and roll ballads and the like. You’re more likely to hear Coldplay than, say, Neurosis or Marduk here (at least that has been my experience). Don’t be surprised to hear Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, etc. though. There was another bar in Guanajuato that played nothing but Rammstein (while I was there for a half hour or so anyway). I think it is gone now.