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Posts tagged mt. shasta

Mt. Shasta from I-5

mt shasta california

Mt. Shasta, California

Different take on Mt. Shasta

mount shasta from highway 97

North side of Mount Shasta

Over the past 30 years or so I’ve driven past Mt. Shasta on I-5 somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-150 times. It’s a beautiful view from the west. On all of the dozens of airplanes I’ve been on that included a view of Mt. Shasta the view was also from the west. So when I drove down Highway 97 (going from Sunriver, Oregon to Southern California) in June of 2015, this view surprised me. The mountain looked so different and new even though I’d seen it so many times before.

Castle Crags and Mount Shasta

mount shasta castle crags california

Northern California (May 2019)

Mt. Shasta

Lenticular Mt. Shasta

I’ve taken a lot of photos of Mt. Shasta over the past 25 years, but this one may be my favorite.

Mt. Shasta sunrise

I-5 South – September 2015

Two Lakes

Two Lakes For The Price Of One

Heart Lake, Castle Lake, and Mt. Shasta from over 10 years ago.