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Posts tagged voivod

Day 1 of Brutal Assault ends and Day 2 begins

2019 Brutal Assault (Josefov Fortress, Czech Republic)

@EnsiferumMetal #brutalAssault2019 #brutalassault @voivoddotnet #voivod

Just a few pics from day one today. Many more to come…

brutal assault voivod snake

Voivod’s Snake

brutal assault Ensiferum


Today’s agenda

voivod Oakland Metro

Voivod @ Oakland Metro (2015)

#mybrutalassault #mybrutal2019 #brutalAssault2019 #brutalassault @voivoddotnet #voivod @hypocrisyband

Also today….

Cult of Luna
The Ocean

Of the bands I’ve seen before, I’m most looking forward to Voivod. Of those I haven’t seen before, Hypocrisy.

Lots of rain in the forecast at Brutal Assault today, but as the guy sitting on the train next to me on the way to Roskilde Festival said, “We are not made of sugar!”

2019 Brutal Assault Festival

#mybrutalassault #mybrutal2019 @CarcassBand #carcass @testament #brutalAssault2019 #brutalassault @voivoddotnet #voivod

Brutal Assault has created a fun little app for concert goers to create their own poster. I couldn’t stop at just one. In fact, I could have easily come up with several more, but I restrained myself. If only you could do this for festival shirts so you didn’t end up with bands you can’t stand on your back. 😉

Voivod added to 2019 Brutal Assault Festival lineup

voivod Oakland Metro

Voivod’s Snake @ Oakland Metro (February 2015)

@voivoddotnet @centurymedia @oaklandmetro @Frankreature #brutalAssault2019 #voivod #brutalassault

11 bands were just announced as additions to the 2019 Brutal Assault Festival. The one I’m most excited about is Voivod, one of my favorite bands for over 30 years and counting.

brutal assault festival lineup running order


voivod Oakland Metro

Voivod @ Oakland Metro (February 2015)

@voivoddotnet @centurymedia @oaklandmetro @fuelandseed

Voivod is playing in Eugene this Thursday (6/9/16). I was thinking about making the drive to see them and then bring my son home from school. But he has a final on Friday, a car of his own, and he’s not coming home for another month, so I think I will skip them this go around as six hours of driving (especially on the way home after midnight) doesn’t sound so fun. The other reason being that I’m seeing dozens of great bands in just a few weeks in Scandinavia so I don’t feel like I need to fill my concert tank quite so much. I do love Voivod, though, and hope to see them again. Maybe a Southern Oregon show next time fellas?

One of the summer festivals I was planning to go to was Bravalla in Sweden. However, they have been slow to get back to me about a photo pass so I’m going to go to Roskilde instead. No Rammstein or Volbeat, but I will see Ghost, Gojira, Sumac, Neil Young, etc. (and not have to get a hotel room).

Voivod @ Oakland Metro Operahouse

voivod Oakland Metro

Voivod @ Oakland Metro (2/20/15)

@voivoddotnet @centurymedia @oaklandmetro @fuelandseed

voivod Oakland Metro

Napalm Death and Voivod poster in Oakland Metro

Dominique Laroche voivod Oakland Metro

Voivod’s new bassist – Rocky

With so many bands (six!) on the bill the set was a snappy 60 minutes. I would love to see Voivod again (in a less-crowded venue) perform for longer. Here is what they played:
Kluskap O’Kom
Tribal Convictions
Order of the Blackguards
Corps Étranger
We Are Connected
Astronomy Domine

voivod Oakland Metro

Snake tosses out the setlist on February 20, 2015