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Posts tagged Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe near Incline Village on the Nevada side

“That amazing time in our lives is gone, and will never return. All the beautiful possibilities we had then have been swallowed up in the flow of time.” — Haruki Murakami in Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki on page 341

Two years ago today…

lake tahoe

Lake Tahoe

We were in Reno for a volleyball tournament and headed over to Lake Tahoe for a break. The wind was blowing so hard that the lake had ocean-like waves.

Sand Harbor between storms

8 photo photomerge lake tahoe between storms sand harbor

8-photo photomerge of Lake Tahoe‘s Sand Harbor

No life guard on duty on this day. No one was going in the water for a few reasons. One reason was that no one was there! Another was that even though this photo looks warm and sunny, it was actually below freezing with the wind chill factor. That’s snow on the mountains surrounding the lake.

I imagine Sand Harbor looks very different in August, not nearly as pretty and very crowded.

Dinner between storms

Dining room with a view

@HyattConcierge @HyattLakeTahoe

While in Reno last month for Ellie’s volleyball tournament, we headed over to Tahoe one afternoon when the morning wave was done for volleyball play. The wind at Tahoe was fantastic, as was the sky, and everything else as we were between two storms. Although it was about 40 degrees, it felt much colder, unless the wind stopped for a bit and the sun came out from behind a cloud, in which case it felt much warmer. Everything about this late afternoon and evening was a trip.

Today’s photo is from the Lone Eagle Grille, part of the Hyatt Regency on the northern Nevada side of Lake Tahoe.

Excuse me waiter but…

lake tahoe wind surfer lone eagle grille wine glass

Kitesurfer from Lone Eagle Grille (Lake Tahoe, Nevada)


…there’s a kitesurfer in my wine.