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Posts tagged solstafir

Happy birthday, Aðalbjörn Tryggvason!

solstafir copenhell-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Solstafir @ 2016 Copenhell

@COPENHELL @solstafir

When your kid is born on 7/7/77, you’ve got to give him a name like Aðalbjörn Tryggvason.

Happy birthday, Sæþór Maríus Pjúddi Sæþórsson!

Sólstafir's Sæþór Maríus Pjúddi Sæþórsson

@COPENHELL @solstafir



@solstafir #MyLayover #skogafoss #waterfalls

The worst part of my recent trip to Iceland was that my phone decided to stop functioning just before my flight from Prague. This meant no music on the plane, no GPS in Iceland, and–worst of all–driving for three days straight with nothing to listen to. Have you ever driven, by yourself, for an extended period of time with no radio, music, or podcasts to listen to? Try it. You will begin to go a bit crazy after a while.

What I really wanted to listen to was Sólstafir. The music would have fit in so well with the setting. One of their videos features about four of the places I visited, including today’s photo of the Skogafoss waterfall. This place looked like the ultimate camping experience. The sound of the waterfall and the lush green grass would make for a wonderful night of sleep.


solstafir copenhell

Solstafir @ 2016 Copenhell

@COPENHELL @solstafir @metalinsider

A year ago, today’s photo happened. Next week, it will happen again. Well, not exactly. I won’t see Solstafir at Copenhell this year, but I will head to Solstafir’s homeland (Iceland) and be at Copenhell.

I put Solstafir’s new album on in the car last week. Three songs in, a couple of my friends in the car said, “Who is this? They are amazing!”

Solstafir @ Copenhell

solstafir copenhell

Solstafir @ 2016 Copenhell

@COPENHELL @solstafir

Solstafir was another great band I would have never heard of had it not been for Copenhell.

solstafir copenhell Aðalbjörn Tryggvason

Aðalbjörn Tryggvason

solstafir copenhell Sæþór Maríus Sæþórsson

Sæþór Maríus Sæþórsson

solstafir copenhell Svavar Austmann

Svavar Austmann

solstafir copenhell

Solstafir (June 2016 – Copenhagen, Denmark)