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Posts tagged high on fire

High on Fire @ 2017 Roskilde Festival

High on Fire

@HighonFireBand @orangefeeling ‏#rf17

Happy birthday, Matt Pike!

Matt Pike of High on Fire @ Roskilde Festival

High on Fire

high on fire roskilde festival

High on Fire @ 2017 Roskilde Festival

@COPENHELL #copenhell #copenhell2019 @HighonFireBand @orangefeeling ‏#rf17 @eOneheavy

High on Fire is scheduled to play on June 23 in France. No other European dates have been announced yet, but I’m really hoping they get added to the 2019 Copenhell bill. I’m doubtful, though, as their January tour was just cancelled due to health issues. Hopefully, Matt gets better soon.

Favorite albums of 2018

watain roskilde festival

Watain @ 2018 Roskilde Festival on the Trident Wolf Eclipse tour

@COPENHELL #copenhell #copenhell2018 @satyricon @EarsplitPR @nanotear @RelapseRecords @quantumyob @HighonFireBand @MetalMagicDK

In no particular order…

Watain, Trident Wolf Eclipse

At The Gates, To Drink From The Night Itself

Black Oath, Behold the Abyss

Master’s Hammer, Fascinator

František Štorm masters hammer metal magic festival

František Štorm of Master’s Hammer @ 2018 Metal Magic Festival

Tribulation, Down Below

YOB, Our Raw Heart

Mike Scheidt yob wow hall

Mike Scheidt of YOB playing Our Raw Heart for the first time at the WOW Hall in Eugene, Oregon (February 2018)

High On Fire, Electric Messiah

A Perfect Circle, Eat The Elephant

Afsky, Sorg

Behemoth, I Loved You At Your Darkest

Slaegt, The Wheel

Dimmu Borgir, Eonian

Primordial, Exile Amongst the Ruins

Grusom, Grusom II

satyricon copenhell Steinar Gundersen

Steinar Gundersen of Satyricon @ 2018 Copenhell on the Deep Calleth Upon Deep Tour

And since I didn’t do one of these in 2017, a couple of favorites from late in 2017:

Pagan Altar, The Room of Shadows

Satyricon, Deep Calleth Upon Deep

For 2019 I’m really looking forward to new Tool and Rammstein (and seeing both bands too).

High on Fire @ 2017 Roskilde Festival

roskilde festival high on fire

High on Fire @ Roskilde Festival

@HighonFireBand @orangefeeling ‏#rf17

One of my favorite bands, and from my hometown, I can’t believe I had to travel halfway around the world to Denmark to see them for the first time! High on Fire was cursed with a ridiculous 1 a.m. start time and no other metal acts on the bill for that day (the prior day actually) after 8 p.m. They still put on a fantastic set. I had to boogie on back to Copenhagen after their performance and teach after just a few hours of sleep.

roskilde festival high on fire jeff matz

Jeff Matz

roskilde festival high on fire des kensel

Des Kensel

roskilde festival high on fire matt pike

Matt Pike

 roskilde festival high on fire

Crowd surfing offering made to High on Fire at the Avalon Stage