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@myMotorhead #london @ThisDayInMETAL
On this day in 1981 Motorhead released “No Sleep ’til Hammersmith”. Last summer I found it hard to resist taking this photo while riding the Tube with my wife getting plenty of sleep ’til Hammersmith. We were actually on our way to Kew Gardens.
@myMotorhead #rememberingLemmy #rockbar #crobar #london #AXSofSPADES
My image is of agony, my servants rape the land
Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain
Two thousands years of misery, of torture in my name
Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law
My name is called religion, sadistic, sacred whore.
Lemmy died a year ago today. Four days ago (on his birthday) I watched one of his final performances on AXS TV. I cried.
Of course, he’s looked liked he’s been on his last leg for decades, even when I last saw him (on the Orgasmatron tour early in 1987). However, it should have been plain to anyone who was at one of these last shows, or who saw the video before he died, that he didn’t have more than weeks or months in November of 2015.
Today’s photo comes from after his death. I took this pic this past summer when I was at a rock ‘n roll bar in London. Great place, BTW. I meet a friendly chap at Crobar, who was from across the Thames, who paid for all of my drinks.
Abbath as Lemmy
Motorhead tribute band Bombers (Bergen) closed out the 2016 edition of Copenhell. They came on after Black Sabbath, starting at about 1 a.m. With Lemmy being gone for less than six months when this show happened, much of the Copenhell crowd remained for the set.
Abbath did a fine Lemmy but didn’t forget to toss in some Abbath moves as well.
Lemmy died yesterday after 70+ years of life. Today’s photo is of my copy of my favorite Motorhead album. I picked this up in Japan in 1989. Strangely, it’s not called “Another Perfect Day” in Japanese. 悪魔の化身 means something like “Evil Incarnate”, and I have no idea why that name was picked. Other Motorhead albums didn’t get a renaming in Japanese.
I only saw Motorhead once, on the Orgasmatron tour in 1987. They haven’t come closer to me than a five-hour drive since. When I found out (after the fact) that they played a couple nights before Insomnium in San Francisco last August I was bummed. I knew then it would have been the last chance I had to see Lemmy again. His health has been pretty bad the past year, but he played until the end with shows even earlier this month. While his death wasn’t as much a surprise as his long life, he will be missed.