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Posts tagged Nikon 300mm f/4 VR ED-IF AF-S Nikkor Lens

Charlie Blackmon

colorado rockies charlie blackmon-standard

Charlie Blackmon making the throw for the Rockies back in 2014

I stopped following MLB a while ago, but this was my random desktop background image of the day. Upon looking up Blackmon’s whereabouts before posting this, I was surprised to see that, 10 years later, he is still playing for the Rockies.

Puffins of Látrabjarg

iceland puffins

Puffins in Iceland (June 2019)

Russian Sukhoi Su-24

russian jets

Four Russian Sukhoi Su-24s (Fencer) during 2019 Day of the Russian Navy display (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Russia has lost at least ten of these during their invasion of Ukraine. Do these four even exist anymore?


rockies sunset

Sunset from Coors Field (August 2014)

Neva River

st petersberg russia navy ship 563-DeNoiseAI-clear

Russian Navy corvette Serpukhov

Serpukhov, a Buyan-M corvette, is part of the Baltic Fleet, or it was back in 2019 when this photo was taken. With what has happened since…

Happy Valentine’s Day

Pair of Iceland Puffins