- Japan (07, 09-10, 13), Denmark (08, 11, 16-19, 21, 24), Korea (13), Poland (21), Mexico (14, 15, 19), Iceland (17, 19), Hawaii (14, 17, 22), Czech Republic (16, 17, 19, 21)
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Posts tagged poznan

Poznań Stadium

Poznań Stadium

Before this show (which was just outside of the stadium), I toured Stadion Poznań. I didn’t tell them that I couldn’t understand Polish, but there was a Dane also on the tour who asked for the tour to also be in English so I got a lot more out of it than had it only been in Polish. The Dane asked me to take professional photos for him so I did. I gave him my card, and he never contacted me so I’m just getting around to processing this 7-photo photomerge now.

Poland shows

Some more photos from the two nights in a row that I saw Gruzja, KAT, and Vader in Poznan and Warsaw, Poland.

Poznan blue hour

poznan poland old town square

Poznan, Poland

Vader in Poland


I love seeing bands in their home country, even if it means I can’t understand their between-songs banter. So when the chance arose to see Vader not once, but twice, in Poland I went for it. I’ll be seeing them again in a few days in the Czech Republic.

Poznań Old Town

Poznań Town Hall

Poznań Town Hall