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Posts tagged pacific ocean

Flashback Friday

Yachats from near the top of the Amanda Trail

Goodnight 2024!

13-photo photomerge bandon sunset

Bandon sunset

Windows lock screen image location?

cave bandon beach

Bandon Beach Cave

I processed the above photo shortly after taking it about a month ago when we were on the Oregon Coast for Thanksgiving. A few days later I saw the Windows lock screen image (below) and wondered whether this was the same place taken with a slightly different point of view.

After a bit of research I realized that it isn’t. The Windows image is from New Zealand.

windows lock screen image location new zealand oregon

Windows lock screen default image

Bandon Beach

 bandon cathedral rock castle wizards hat beach

(L to R in the distance) The Castle, Cathedral Rock, and Wizard’s Hat

High tide in Bandon, Oregon surrounds these rocks with waves. A few hours later and we could walk around nearly all of them and find things like this.

Do you see the face?

face rock bandon wave

Face Rock (Bandon, Oregon)

Coquille Point Sunset

Coquille Point bandon sunset keyhole rocks
