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Posts tagged winter

Irvington Neighborhood on a Snowy Morning

Portland, Oregon (February 2019)

The Irvington neighborhood is located in the northeast section of Portland, Oregon. The neighborhood streets were laid out in 1887, and residential lots began selling in 1891. An early example of a streetcar suburb, Irvington contains the largest, most diverse, and intact collections of Queen Anne, Arts and Crafts, and Colonial Revival style residences in the City of Portland as well as the State of Oregon. In 2010, Irvington was designated an historic district and added to the National Register of Historic Places.

South Rim of the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Above the clouds but still on the ground

Grand Canyon

Desert Snow

Young Joshua Tree in snow

Throwback Thursday

Grand Canyon after a bit of snowfall

The Grand Canyon, on my first visit, ended the year 2016 with beauty that exceeded my wildest expectations.

Toshogu on a snowy morning

Color vs. "B&W" in a natural photo