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Metal Monday

gefle metal festival crowd

2017 Gefle Metal Festival crowd

Groan @ 2016 Metal Brew Festival

metal brew 2016 Lindsay Hamilton Andreas Mazzereth groan

Andreas Mazzereth on Lindsay Hamilton of Groan @ 2016 Metal Brew Festival

2016 Metal Brew Running Order

2016 Metal Brew Lineup

Different take on Mt. Shasta

mount shasta from highway 97

North side of Mount Shasta

Over the past 30 years or so I’ve driven past Mt. Shasta on I-5 somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-150 times. It’s a beautiful view from the west. On all of the dozens of airplanes I’ve been on that included a view of Mt. Shasta the view was also from the west. So when I drove down Highway 97 (going from Sunriver, Oregon to Southern California) in June of 2015, this view surprised me. The mountain looked so different and new even though I’d seen it so many times before.

Happy Day of the Dead!

eugene oregon maude kerns art center gallery day of the dead exhibit

Maude Kerns Art Center and Gallery – Day of the Dead Exhibit (Eugene, Oregon – November 2014)

Today’s photo is 10 years old, but apparently this gallery does a Day of the Dead Exhibit every year at this time so if you are in or near Eugene, head on over before the exhibit changes in a couple of days.

The former Fairmount Presbyterian Church was built in 1895 in the Gothic Revival (Georgian) style near the University of Oregon campus and has been a Eugene historic landmark since 1980.

Two years ago today…

Railroad Park Resort And Dining Car Restaurant dunsmuir california

Railroad Park Resort And Dining Car Restaurant (Dunsmuir, California)

…I found myself driving up the I-5 after seeing Mercyful Fate the night before. Did they play Halloween? No, that’s a King Diamond solo song. It was the 39th anniversary of the Melissa (one of my favorite albums) release, and they played five of the seven tracks off of Melissa which was wonderful.

Anyway, back to today’s photo. I turned off the freeway to grab a bite to eat. The Dining Car Restaurant wasn’t open yet so I took a few photos of Castle Crags before heading back up the highway to see Ashland’s Halloween Parade.

Waterfall Wednesday

Bridal Veil Falls BC canada

Bridal Veil Falls (BC, Canada)